Identification and characterisation of individual nanoplastics

In an article published by the Journal of Hazardous Materials in 2021, nanoplastics, which are harmful to the environment and human health, were studied. The abstract reads: “We tested a novel NP [nanoparticle] extraction method and scanning transmission X-ray spectro-microscopy (STXM) in combination with near-edge X-ray absorption fine- structure spectroscopy (NEXAFS) to image and identify individual NP in environmental and food matrices”.

Silson’s standard SiRN membranes were used for the Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy (STXM) sample preparation, as well as a gold finder grid manufactured by us. The nanoplastic particles were then placed on the membranes.

If you’d like to read more about this fascinating research, please follow this link!

Below are some images taken under a microscope of the finder grids used for this research:





Case studies